Sunday, March 20, 2011

Singing, Dancing, Playing

Today I was able when we came to the village I was begin building a connection with some of the village kids. We played tons of games - ring around the rosy; duck, duck goose (or juice as the kids called it); we played for hours and the kids just kept on coming. We bonded well and to top off the evening several of us - myself included got to dance in front of the rest of the group with some of the kids. Its such a blessing to be a part of something so good.

Jerry Blanchard


  1. Love this picture, miss those kids so much. I'll be praying that you keep up with them, so much energy-they'll be dancing all day long!

  2. Jer Man!!!! You look good with those cute little ones! I bet they beat you at "Duck, Duck, Juice"! :)Wish I could have been there to see you dance!! Dance like no one's watching Jerry!!! We are praying for you! Love, Gary and Jill
