Monday, March 11, 2013

Dinner with Lattha and Vingadesh

Yesterday was a great day in Kalavai. Jenn and I spent the day observing the people of the village and gathering some useful information. We were able to see some evidence that some of the people in the village are showing initiative to think “outside of the box” to improve their lives. We also spent some time hanging out with the children in the village, which is the is my favorite way in the world to pass time. :-) Our evening was well worth the wait, as we were able to join Lattha and Vingadesh for dinner in their home. Before the dinner we sat for about an hour talking with them about how what GCC has been doing in the village has affected their lives. We were trying to get information on things that they see that have worked, things that haven’t, how people in the village are interacting with each other and all sorts of personal information that they would never have dreamed of sharing with us a few years ago (based on the Indian culture). Lattha even admitted during the conversation that when GCC first came, she would tell them what she thought would make them happy, rather than telling the truth, but she was no longer doing this because God had changed her heart. This was a great talk followed by a tasty dinner that I will remember for the rest of my life. Lattha has been a key person that I would say most GCC team members have connected with. It was an honor to be able to sit and talk with her on such a personal level. God is good.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent picture, by the way! Please tell everyone in the village that we love them and that those of us who are not with them right now miss them deeply!
