Tuesday, March 5, 2013

God is already at work

This blog post is written by Rick Immel:

Missionaries don't bring God to the lost and hurting, God brings the missionaries. And mark my word, the body of Christ showed up in Kottiambakkum this week in total God fashion - from the edification of Pastor Anbuvanan, to the construction of much needed housing, to the kid's ministry work.

People ask what we can possibly do in ten days. But we are standing on the shoulders of those who came before us and setting the foundation for those who come after us to stand on ours. Again, people ask what can we possibly accomplish in such a short period of time?? Those questions wouldn't be asked if everyone could look into the joy-filled face of a child born into a desperate situation. Have you ever sat on the receiving end of a question from a child about why we have come so far to this village? To see the eyes light up and the smile in the face of a boy named "Hajay" when I tell him I came to see him, that Jesus sent me because he is special to Jesus, and Jesus wanted me to tell him that. Those who question haven't looked into the face of a brother or sister in Christ tearfully questioning their adequacy to be a part of God's mission only to see them transformed in the next moment when God shows up through us to honor their family.

When Peter was called to the house of Cornelius it wasn't just for the benefit of Cornelius, it was for Peter too. So we shouldn't ask what can be done in ten days. It's not about what we can or can't do. It's about what God can do. And He is already at work in Kottiambakkum. I am honored to be allowed to share in that with Him!

Thanks for your prayers and support!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're right! If God can create the world and everything in it in 7-days........surely He is able (and willing) to do abundantly above and beyond what anyone could hardly even begin to grasp in 10 days! Thats 3 whole extra days on top of what it took at Creation! :) Miss you and love you, Rick. I'm proud of you and your team.

  3. Right on, Rick! Thanks so much for you post! Awesome!
