Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Let the stories begin!

Today's midday update comes to you from Jay Taylor. We had a great morning working in the village. We started on India time, but got straight to work moving building supplies and unloading trucks. The villagers were in high spirits and the construction has progressed rapidly. Barbara and Penny learned how to carry bricks on their heads, while the rest of the team found creative ways to throw and catch the bricks.

A great addition to today's projects was the sharing of stories during break time. We heard of God's work in the lives of Isaac and Danny, and were encouraged by the miraculous works of God in their lives, both to save and transform .

It seems like an important time to highlight the helpers behind the scenes. Das, Isaac, and Danny are our three interpreters. Bruce (pictured) has also been an invaluable resource the whole time. His videos and photos inspire, and his interpreting has come to the rescue many times.

The last pictures are of the team during the break, before hearing the stories from Danny and Isaac, and the children we prayed over before leaving for lunch. The mother had tears in her eyes as we laid hands on her boys who were mute and lame and prayed for God's healing in their hearts and lives.

In an hour and a half we will be gathering all the children from the village for another night of Jesus and fun. Several of the kids from last night approached our team today and expressed how excited they were for another round!!


  1. We are praying that God will build his church on the foundation of Jesus that has been laid in this village, and as you pass bricks and play with and teach children, know that you are not using wood, hay and stubble, but gold, silver and precious stones (1 Cor 3).

  2. Nice GQ pose, bros... we should start a GCC India Team Calendar as a micro-enterprise/revenue generator. You guys just landed "July". :- ) Praying for you!
