Friday, March 8, 2013

Spiritual Healing

Another post from Rick:

I knew someone would break down emotionally this week. Someone always does on these mission trips. I just didn't expect it to be me. I've been in this region before and have seen the needs of the lost and hurting.

But this time I found myself questioning God for the first time in my life. I know He can heal instantly. I know He can! I've seen it with my own eyes. And I am reminded of Acts 14 when we are told God confirms His grace with healings and great miracles. He could do so much to advance His kingdom by confirming his grace and His power and His love so why wouldn't He hear our prayers to heal these two beautiful brothers born deaf and mute and barely able to stand, crawling around in the filth on their hands and feet.

But Jay and Abby helped me to remember that God is most interested in spiritual healing rather than physical. God sent His son to seek what was lost. He wants them back! And Abby pointed out that we don't know what went on on the hearts and minds of the people we prayed for and those that were watching. And Ted later added that it would be so much more beneficial to the kingdom if they were healed by Pastor Anbuvanan after we left so the Glory would more go to Christ instead of us Americans and for the edification of the Village pastor.

Of course, we don't know "why" He did not heal them on the spot, but His ways are far above our ways - remember! God always has something up His sleeve. And it's always for the good of His church (that's you and me). I can have faith I'm that.


  1. thanks for sharing this part of your experience - so glad you are on a team and can share with us what God is doing in and through you while in India!!

  2. Thanks for your wonderful post.It is really very helpful for us and I have gathered some important information from this blog.
    Spiritual Healer in India
