Saturday, March 2, 2013

Setting up camp - excited!!

We had an amazing afternoon and evening!! We made a mini-pilgrimage to mount St. Thomas (where the apostle Thomas was murdered) and saw the painting that St. Luke had painted for him as well as the stone on which Thomas fell when he was killed. We saw and stood on the same rock that Thomas himself preached from frequently - amazing. Finally, we also visited St. Thomas Cathedral, where the remains of St. Thomas are buried - great moments to be so close to one who walked with Jesus himself!

Andrew also enjoyed a quick swing on a Banyan tree!

After a quick stop at KFC (last Western food for awhile), we headed to pastor Anbuvanan's house. We proceeded to setup our beautiful mosquito nets as they made our beds up with grass mats. Here is a picture of the Ladies quarters.

I snapped this quick photo of Pastor's youngest daughter as she curiously watches us, but too shy to come forward - I love kids!!

We had a great debrief time sharing about how we experienced God today. Of course, what happened next took the cake for all of us I think . . . Raj asked me to preach tomorrow at the church building, and for us all to sing a song. So. . . Jay breaks out the guitar and we ended up singing praise and worship music for nearly two hours - AMAZING!!!! God be glorified!!

Now we are all PUMPED UP . . And. . . trying to go to bed!

Have a wonderful day/night . . . The mosquito count on the top of my net right now . . . 1,324. . . 1,325. . .


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